الخميس، 22 نوفمبر 2012


once upon a time there was a boy called Hamad , Hamad in the high school .
a new student came to his school from another school , this new student called saeed.
saeed is an adventurous boy , he like to try new things , he try different things 
one of this things is smoking .
Hamad and saeed became friends they was siting everyday together .
one day saeed asked Hamad : why didn't you smoke ?? Hamad said " i didn't wont because it will effect on my health and it will cause a lot of diseases
for me " saeed laughed on hamad but hamad didn't care about him .

Hamed and saeed finished the high school and every one go to complete his life ,
the years go and by the coincidence hamad and saeed met .
hamad was in the last year to finish the unvirsity .
he will became a doctor .
but saeed is working in the army , and he is a mortgagor person he have problems 
he couldn't solve it 
and he is patients with lung cancer . Hamad tell saeed :- "this is the end of 
smoking .
you are painted . smoking destroys  you 

i thank and praise allah because i didn't smoke , leave smoking . then you will see the life in colours." 
saeed think in Hamad's word. then he deceased to leave smoking. after a few years saeed call Hamad to thank him. Saeed said:- " Hamad i want to thank you, because of your advice 
my life became better. know i am completing my high education. and i having recovered from patient.:

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